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✨What Does Neurotherapist Do?
Neurotherapist improves blood supply to the affected organs by applying pressure at a selected point in the diseased person’s body.
✨How Does Neurotherapist Diagnose The Disease?
The initial consultation involves taking the complete health history of the patient. If necessary, a further series of questions are asked of the patient. Visual analysis is carried out by examining the eyes, tongue color, nails, skin, etc. Once the verbal and visual analysis is completed, further investigation involves abdominal palpation, examining the tender points. Focusing on these tender points, the therapist discovers the malfunctioning of any organ(s). Based on these investigations, a final picture is drawn about the patient’s condition concerning the three biochemical forces; alkaline-acid-gas.
✨Who Invented The Therapy?
Dr. Mehra developed the therapy from ancient Indian techniques of massaging. He discovered various massaging techniques to cure chronic diseases by correlating the massaging technique with its effects on the body. At this time, our researchers have discovered many points in the body which connect major body glands. So, therefore, by massaging them in some prescribed way, we can eliminate the diseases.
✨What Precautions Are Required While Taking This Treatment?
The patient is advised not to take alcohol and non-veg food. He might also be advised to avoid other things based on the disease.
✨Is This Therapy Concerned With Brain Related Cures?
This therapy deals with problems of the whole body rather than any specific body part like the brain.
✨What If The Patient Has Already Been Operated Upon?
If any particular organ of the patient has been removed by surgery, in that case, the therapy does not give good results.
✨What Is The Minimum Time Required To Cure Any Disease?
There is no time limit. Cure depends upon the condition, history, and complexity of the disease. But changes can be observed in 20-30 sittings.
✨Why Do Diseases Arise In The Body, According To LMNT ?
– Disturbance in the acid-base balance due to non-uniform functioning of both kidneys.
– Genetic disorders are due to defects/deficiencies in the mother/fetus during pregnancy
– Vitamin deficiency which is caused by poor digestion and absorption of nutrients. It can happen when the intestines are sluggish, often as a side-effect of medicines. Or Hypoactivity of any gland/organ (functioning less than expected) Hyper activity or excessive secretion of chemicals by any gland or organ Chemicals not reaching their intended or target tissues or organs. Reasons for Chemicals not reaching their target tissues may be one or more of the following:
– Improper digestion or UDF
– this will deprive glands of raw materials;
– The corresponding stimulating chemical or hormone from the controlling gland is not available (e.g., releasing hormones of the hypothalamus to the posterior pituitary or absence of an order from the pituitary gland to the thyroid gland ), etc.
– The organ or gland may not be receiving the proper supply of blood
– The organ may not be receiving proper stimulation.
– (UDF stands for the appearance of undigested food in stools)
✨How Do We Cure Diseases Through LMNT?
In Neurotherapy, We Use Different Methods:
– By applying pressure at specific points for a fixed time and in an appropriate sequence
– the blood supply to specific organs is increased or diverted.
– Stimulating certain glands employing short jabs or massaging or stretching certain parts or muscles of the body.
Neurotherapy does not cure symptoms alone; it attacks the root cause.
First, digestion is rectified, and the stomach is set by tackling the UDF problem. Then treatments are given to eradicate pain in the respective pain points of LMNT. Heparin treatment is given to dissolve the clots.
By these methods, the organ or gland that was not functioning correctly will start functioning properly and eradicate the disease.
✨What Is The Importance Of The Nervous System Of The Intestines, In LMNT ?
The Nervous System Of The Intestines Is Known As Enteric Nervous System.
There is no time limit. Cure depends upon the condition, history, and complexity of the disease. But changes can be observed in 20-30 sittings.
Our brain has 100 billion neurons which produce 12 major chemicals by which the body coordinates various activities. There are neurons in the intestines also which produce the same chemicals as produced by the brain. But there are only 100 million neurons in the brain, so the chemicals produced in the intestines are much less in quantity. An arrangement of capillaries called the Blood-brain barrier prevents the entry of other chemicals or medicines into the brain. In disorders of the brain, the brain does not function normally. Insufficient production of any of the brain chemicals causes disorders of the central nervous system. Then we stimulate the nervous system of the intestines through LMNT and thus set right the diseases of the brain.
For example, in Parkinson’s disease, the brain cannot produce dopamine. Then we stimulate the intestines, which will produce dopamine in smaller quantities, giving the patient some relief. By and by the glands start functioning better; thus, the function of the brain also starts improving, and thus the patient gets a substantial improvement.
✨In Allopathy, Whether It Is Headache Or Any Other Disease, Most Patients Are Given Similar Medicines And They Are Expected To Take The Same Medicine For 5 To 7 Days. But In NT, Even Though Many Persons May Have Headache, They May Be Given Different Treatments And For The Same Person Different Treatments May Be Given On Different Days. How Is This Possible ?
This Statement Is Very True, And It Is The Secret For The Success Of LMNT.
In Allopathy, the names of the diseases are related to their symptoms. When a group of symptoms appears simultaneously, and in many patients, it is given a particular name disease. This is so because when the doctors discuss among themselves, the common name helps them to recollect all the symptoms associated with the disease
– so that they can prescribe the appropriate medicine easily. In Allopathy, the relief brought about is mainly symptomatic.
The treatment stops after relieving the symptoms, which does not correct the situation.
In LMNT, we rectify the functioning of the body’s organs/glands, which removes the root cause of the problem. The emphasis is not on eradicating the symptoms alone. Whatever the name of the disease, all diseases are caused due to improper functioning of only a handful of organs/glands of the body. And it is this root cause, i.e.,
– the malfunctioning of one or more of the glands/organs – which manifests in different persons as different symptoms.
Again, the same person may have different symptoms on different days; but a closer investigation will reveal that the root cause is the same, i.e., malfunctioning one or more of a handful of organs.
The following example can understand. If food is not digested properly in the stomach, the patient may get a headache one day, pass gas on another day, have loose motions or vomit, or experience a burning sensation in the chest. Or he may experience several of these symptoms on the same day even. Going by the nomenclature (name), a headache is called a migraine, passing of gas is called flatulence, loose motions as diarrhea, chest burning sensation as acidity, and so on; for each symptom, different medicines will be prescribed.
Though the symptoms are different – their root cause is the same, i.e., indigestion. Therefore the treatment given in LMNT to treat indigestion will eradicate all the above symptoms.
This is the uniqueness of LMNT. Symptomatically it seems there are 4 different disorders. Still, by curing one root cause, we not only prevent a relapse of these 4 symptoms but also prevent the possibility of other associated diseases. Based on the same logic, we can understand why different treatments may be given on different days for the same person with a particular disease.
LMNT treatment improves the functioning of the body’s organs. After each day’s treatment, the body’s constitution changes from the previous day. This is why a different treatment based on the pain points of that day may be needed the next day.
✨Is It Possible That By LMNT Treatment, We Can Kill Bacteria Or Viruses ? If Not, Explain How, Without Killing Bacteria, We Cure Infectious Diseases By LMNT.
There is no necessity to kill the virus or bacteria with medicines.
Our body possesses this power. There are millions of viruses in our environment, and newer strains are being constantly discovered, so killing a few of them with medicines is not going to solve the problem.
When a virus or bacteria invade a person’s body, the real problem is not the virus or bacteria; the root cause is the lowering of immunity in the body.
All that we require to do is to strengthen the immunity. Medicines cannot achieve this. Antibiotics which are given to kill the bacteria, kill not only harmful bacteria but also attack those helpful bacteria which are necessary for the body, thus lowering the body’s immunity all the more.
For example, if we are asked to shorten a line without erasing any portion of it, then what should we do? Drawing a more extensive line beside the original line will make it appear shorter. This is the same logic adopted while formulating treatment for bacterial or viral infection by LMNT.
Strengthening the body’s immune system can be best done by the body. Our body has many cells that release potent chemicals that destroy external pathogens, e.g., natural killers, gamma globulins, immunoglobulins, interleukins, etc. Apart from this, the thymus gland, spleen, and lymph nodes have special WBCs called lymphocytes which are responsible for the body’s immunity. In LMNT, we stimulate the appropriate glands to strengthen our body’s immune system. So no bacteria or virus can bring harm to the body. The critical point is that all this is done without destroying the helpful bacteria in the body. This is how LMNT is successful in curing viral/bacterial diseases.
✨How Does LMNT Cure Disorders Due To Vitamin Deficiencies, Without Giving Any Medicines?
Except for vitamin K B12 and folic acid, no other vitamin is synthesized by the body.
So, the deficiency of vitamins can be rectified only by consuming food rich in such vitamins. But more than merely consuming food rich in vitamins and nutrients is required.
More importantly, food should be adequately digested and absorbed by the body. Only when they are appropriately absorbed can vitamins A, B12, D, K, etc. can, be stored in the liver. The hormones in our body are produced from three basic raw materials, i.e., cholesterol, tyrosine amino acid, and proteins. And for these to be produced appropriately, digestion of food is of utmost importance. If there is UDF, it means proteins are not being digested properly. Some hormones and enzymes may be produced in the desired quantities with raw materials.
Easily identifiable symptoms of poor digestion are a pain in the ‘Gas’ point, cuts in the tongue, etc. Vitamin tablets or hormonal supplements cannot rectify the digestive system. So the body cannot properly use these supplements without the required hormones and enzymes, even though the person is consuming vitamin tablets.
Rectifying the digestive system is the hallmark of LMNT. That is why LMNT can cure diseases due to nutritional or vitamin deficiency without administering medicines.
✨Why Is It That Many Major Chemicals In The Body Are Prepared In More Than One Place. How Does Neurotherapy Use This Information To Treat Diseases?
Except for vitamin K B12 and folic acid, no other vitamin is synthesized by the body.
So, the deficiency of vitamins can be rectified only by consuming food rich in such vitamins. But more than merely consuming food rich in vitamins and nutrients is required. More importantly, food should be adequately digested and absorbed by the body. Only when they are adequately absorbed can vitamins A, B12, D, K, etc.
can, be stored in the liver. The hormones in our body are produced from three basic raw materials, i.e., cholesterol, tyrosine amino acid, and proteins. And for these to be produced appropriately, digestion of food is of utmost importance.
If there is UDF, it means proteins are not being digested properly. In the absence of raw materials, some hormones and enzymes may not be produced in the desired quantities. Easily identifiable symptoms of poor digestion are a pain in the ‘Gas’ point, cuts in the tongue, etc. Vitamin tablets or hormonal supplements cannot rectify the digestive system.
So the body cannot properly use these supplements without the required hormones and enzymes, even though the person is consuming vitamin tablets.