Dr. Mehra developed the therapy from ancient Indian techniques of massaging. He discovered various massaging techniques to cure chronic diseases by correlating the massaging technique with its affects on body. At this time, our researchers have discovered many points in the body which connected major body glands. So therefore by massaging them in some prescribed way we can eliminate the diseases.
Neuro Therapy India
We Care
- Neuromuscular Disorders
- Abdominal Disorders
- Anal Fissures And Fistula
- Ankylosing Spondylitis(Bamboo Spine)
- Arthritis
- Autism
- Back Pain
- Cancer
- Cerebral Atrophy
- Cerabral Palsy
- Constipation
- Cramps
- Depression
- Diabetes
- Gangerene
- Gastritis
- Genetic Disorders
- Hypertension
- Indigetion
- Insomnia
- Ischemic Heart Disease
- Knee Pain
- Liver Disorder
- Mongolism/Down Syndrome
- Menstrual Problems
- Mental Retardation
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Muscular Dystrophy
- Osteoarthritis
- Paralysis
- Parkinson’s disease
- Piles
- Sciatica
- Tennis Elbow
- Thrombosis
- Ulcers
- Vertigo
- Vitamins Deficiency
- Vomiting
- Weight Loss/Gain